Summer School on Computational Materials Science:

Basic Simulation Techniques

Lecture 3:  Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Today we discuss the Monte Carlo method. In statistical physics what is usually meant by Monte Carlo is not direct Monte Carlo sampling but random walks, or more specifically, Metropolis Monte Carlo. The random walk algorithm is one of the most important and pervasive numerical algorithm to be used on computers. The random walk or Metropolis algorithm was first used by Metropolis, Rosenbluth and Teller in 1953 though it is based on much earlier ideas of Markov. In statistics it is known as MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo.) It is a general method of sampling arbitrary highly-dimensional probability distributions by taking a random walk through configuration space. One changes the state of the system randomly according to a fixed transition rule, thus generating a random walk through state space, s0,s1,s2, .... The definition of a Markov process is that the next step is chosen from a probability distribution that depends only on the present position. This makes it very easy to describe mathematically. The process is often called the drunkard's walk.

The pdf file contains a description of Markov Chain Monte Carlo.

Comparison between MC and MD

Which is better for simulations, Monte Carlo or Molecular Dynamics?

So you need both! The best is to have both in the same code so you can use MC to warm up the dynamics.
David Ceperley, University of Illinois May 2001