Lab Exercises

MCC Summer School

May 29, 2001

            This lab will introduce you to the program package NWChem, which is able to perform many different types of quantum chemical calculations and is freely distributed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.  Feel free to expand on the exercises – a few suggestions for optional calculations are given in case you have time.  These exercises emphasize optimization and characterization of local minima and transition states, providing you with the information you would need for computing rates using transition state theory (TST.)  We also include some examples of dynamics, as you might use when computing dynamical corrections to TST rates.  Online documentation for the NWChem program is available at

The input files for the exercises can be found in the directory ~tjm/mcc. 

Running NWCHEM jobs on the NCSA Origin 2000 (Modi)

After logging into modi, find the job you want to run.  Change to the directory that the file is in and type:


This invokes the nwchem queue controller.  It will ask you for the filename, the number of processors to use (type 1), the queue you would like to submit to (type vst_sj), and the account to be charged (press <return>). 

After doing this, you should get a quick message saying the job was submitted.  You can check on the status of the job in the queue by using the command bjobs.  Although you should not have a need to use it for the exercises given, the command bkill <pid> can be used to remove jobs from the queue once they are submitted.  Here <pid> is the job id number listed to the far left in the output of bjobs.

Making and Viewing PDB files

            For those jobs that involve a geometry search, you will need to put the final geometry in a PDB file for viewing.  To do this, type:


You will be prompted for the NWCHEM output file (the one with the .out suffix) to be read from and the PDB file (.pdb suffix) to write.  You will then be prompted for the number of atoms.  After this, the PDB file specified will be written.  To view the molecule use Rasmol:


and open the PDB file using the menubar at the top of the Rasmol window.


1. Water RHF/STO-3G Geometry Optimization                                       h2oscfopt.nw

This exercise is an energy optimization of a single water molecule.  Run the job, and examine the output.  What are the bondlengths and angles? 

Input file: h2oscfopt.nw

Output file: h2oscfopt.out

2. Water RHF/STO-3G Frequency calculation                                          h2oscffreq.nw

This exercise calculates the normal modes and frequencies of water at the RHF/STO-3G level.  Modify the input file to use the geometry you found in 1. Run the job and examine the output.  What kind of intramolecular motion does each normal mode characterize? 

Input: h2oscffreq.nw

Output: h2oscffreq.out

3. Water RHF/STO-3G Transition State Search                                       h2oscfts.nw

This exercise is a transition state search for a single water molecule at the RHF/STO-3G level.  Run the job and examine the output.  Of what reaction or intramolecular motion is this the transition state?  Examine the bondlengths and angle of this structure in comparison to the equilibrium structure and comment on the differences.  Modify the starting geometry and try again – do you always find the same transition state? 

Input: h2oscfts.nw

Output: h2oscfts.out

4. Water RHF/STO-3G Transition-State Frequencies                            h2oscftsfreq.nw

This is a calculation of the normal modes and frequencies at the transition state calculated in the previous exercise.  Modify the input file to use the geometry you found in 3.  Run the job and examine the output.  Identify the motion characterized by the normal modes, and specify which represents the mode with negative curvature.  Calculate the height of the barrier at the transition state by subtraction the energy found in 1.

Input: h2oscftsfreq.nw

Output: h2oscftsfreq.outj

5. Water RHF Dynamics                                                                                h2oscfqmd.nw

This is a simple example of ab initio molecular dynamics in the NVT ensemble at 298K.  What is the range over which the angle and bond length vary?  Try running at a much higher temperature, e.g. 1000K.  How much more do the bond lengths and angles fluctuate?

Input: h2oscfqmd.nw

Output: h2oscfqmd.out

MD Output: h2o_qmd.out

MD Trajectory: h2o_qmd.trj


6. Water DFT/B3LYP/STO-3G Geometry Optimization                           h2odftopt.nw

This is another energy minimization of water, but this time using density-functional theory with the B3LYP exchange-correlation functional.  Run the job and examine the output.  What are the values of the geometric parameters (angle and bondlengths) and how do they compare with the structure calculated using RHF? 

Input: h2odftopt.nw

Output: h2odftopt.nw

7. Water DFT/B3LYP/STO-3G Frequencies                                        h2odftfreq.nw

This is an analogue of 2.  This time calculate the frequencies with DFT.  Compare the frequencies obtained with DFT and RHF.  Identify the motions represented by the normal modes.  Are the frequencies different than those obtained with RHF?  Are they systematically higher or lower than the RHF frequencies?

Input: h2odftfreq.nw

Output: h2odftfreq.out

8. Water DFT/B3LYP/STO-3G Transition-State Search                           h2odftts.nw

Optimize the bending transition state for water using DFT.  Compare the resulting geometry with that obtained using RHF.  Calculate the barrier height obtained with DFT by subtraction of the minimized energy.  How does the barrier height calculated with DFT compare with that calculated using RHF?

Input: h2odftts.nw

Output: h2odftts.out

9. Water DFT/B3LYP/STO-3G Transition State Frequencies                h2odfttsfreq.nw

Calculate the frequencies at the bending transition of water using DFT and compare with those obtained using RHF.  Are any systematic trends observed in 7. reproduced here?

Input: h2odfttsfreq.nw

Output: h2odfttsfreq.out


10. Water RHF Transition State Dynamics                                            h2oscftsqmd.nw

This calculation provides an example of ab initio molecular dynamics as in 5, but starting from the transition state.  First, modify the input file to start from the geometry you found in 9.  This is NVT dynamics at 298K.  Get a rough estimate of how long it takes to reach the minimum from the transition state.

Input: h2oscftsqmd.nw

Output: h2oscftsqmd.out

MD Output: h2ots_qmd.out

MD Trajectory: h2ots_qmd.trj

11. Water Dimer RHF Geometry Optimization                                       2h2oscfopt.nw

Optimize a minimum-energy structure of water dimer using RHF.  Compare the geometries of the monomers in the dimer to those of the optimized monomers themselves.  Measure the distances involved in the hydrogen bond.

Input: 2h2oscfopt.nw

Output: 2h2oscfopt.out

12. Water Dimer RHF frequencies                                                                 2h2oscffreq.nw

This exercise calculates the normal modes and frequencies of water dimer at the minimum energy geometry using RHF/STO-3G.  First, modify the input file to use the geometry you found in 11. Try to characterize the motion associated with each mode.  Compare these to the results for the monomer.  Can some or all of the modes of the dimer be identified with modes of the monomers?

Input: 2h2oscffreq.nw

Output: 2h2oscffreq.out

13. Water Dimer RHF Transition-State search                                       2h2oscfts.nw

Optimize a transition state of water dimer.  Characterize the transition state based upon its appearance.  What reaction or motion does it represent?  Calculate the barrier height energy.  Measure the hydrogen-bonding distance and compare to the minimum energy structure.  Change the initial geometry and search for a TS again.  Do you continue to find the same TS?

Input: 2h2oscfts.nw

Output: 2h2oscfts.out

14. Water Dimer RHF Transition-State Frequencies                            2h2oscftsfreq.nw

Calculate the normal modes and frequencies of water dimer using RHF.  Modify the input file to use the geometry you found in 13.  Relate the frequencies to those of the minimum energy structure where possible.  Have analogous modes changed frequency?  Are there systematic changes?

Input: 2h2oscftsfreq.nw

Output: 2h2oscftsfreq.out

15. Water Dimer RHF Transition-State Dynamics                                2h2oscftsqmd.nw

This calculation provides a further example of ab initio molecular dynamics.  First, modify the input file to start from the geometry you found in 13.  This is NVT dynamics at 298K.  If you are really at a TS, chances should be 50/50 that you will fall to reactant or product.  Run a few times and see whether this is what happens.  Because reactant and product are chemically identical in this case, you will need to distinguish them by atom numbering – alternatively you could make one of the water molecules HOD, and then reactant and product would be chemically distinguishable.

Input: 2h2oscftsqmd.nw

Output: 2h2oscftsqmd.out

MD Output: 2h2ots_qmd.out

MD Trajectory: 2h2ots_qmd.trj

16. Ethylene MCSCF Energy Minimization                          ethylenemcscfopt.nw

Optimize the minimum-energy geometry of ethylene using MCSCF (CAS(2/2)). 

Input: ethylenemcscfopt.nw

Output: ethylenemcscfopt.out

17. Ethylene MCSCF cis-trans Transition-state search                            ethylenemcscfts.nw

Optimize the cis-trans isomerization transition state for ethylene using MCSCF.  Does it look like you expect it to?  Calculate the barrier height of the reaction.

Input: ethylenemcscfts.nw

Output: ethylenemcscfts.out

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