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ATAT - A software toolkit for modeling coupled configurational and vibrational disorder in alloy systems

Axel van der Walle

Northwestern University

Phone: (847) 491-4226

Email: avdw --> northwestern.edu


Computer Lab


Details about Lecture and Lab

We discuss the ATAT ‘toolkit’ (Alloy Theoretic Automated Toolkit) being developed that automates aspects of the CE and permits (i) phonon and (ii) elastic contributions to be approximately included from first-principles electronic-st ructure methods.

ATAT Overview | PDF (2.2 MB)

Computer Lab

The ATAT toolkit will be used to investigate phonon and strain contributions, using previously calculated inputs from phonon contributions (similar information explored in week 1 via linear-response). In addition, a simplified version of Genetic Algori thim fitting of CE will be explored.