2002 NSF Division of Materials Research ITR Computational Workshop

June 19-20, 2002, Materials Computation Center, UIUC


Image of 2002 NSF Review

DMR, and Materials Theory in particular, has invested significant resources in computational materials research over the past decade. DMR and Materials Theory will conduct a review of research supported under various computational initiatives (HPCC/CARM, KDI, ITR), as well as larger projects such as Focussed Research Groups and NIRT's with a computational focus. As it is virtually impossible to visit all of the groups, the main goal is to have a concerted review of all groups simulaneously, especially to encourage cross-talk among grantees; to provide an opportunity for young investigators to present their research; and, to provide the computational community with an overview of opportunities available in computational sciences at NSF, especially through ITR.


Presentation archive provided by the participants of DMR and Materials Theory Computation Review.


Besides the two full days of talks, working groups, and final discussion group, a three-hour poster session is planned on the first day where detailed NSF-supported research can be presented.

The meeting will be held at the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory and The Materials Computation Center at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (see map below). Main talks will be in ESB Auditorium (signs will be posted).

Tentative Schedule for Talks and Poster

  • Schedule (PDF )
  • List of attendees (PDF, updated on 6/13/02)

** It is advised to arrive 18 June 2002 due to full schedule and flight times.

Registration form

Download PDF for faxing to MCC (attn: Ramona Simpson)

Note: If PI is giving Poster, please indicate in the available space for title and authors.

Contact Information

Travel Information

  • Champaign: Willard Airport (CMI)
  • Local and serviced by American/TWA and United.
  • Chicago: OHare and Midway (~140 miles, 2.5 hours drive or shuttle (LEX))
  • Indianapolis, IN:(~120 miles , 2 hours drive or shuttle (LEX))

Housing Information

Hampton Inn, 1200 W. University Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 337-1100

  • Single $60 per night Double $65.00 per night
  • Block of rooms held until May 28, 2002 ? Group Code NSF
  • PI makes own reservation and covers their room costs.

Hendrick House

Student/Postdoc Housing is available in dorm like rooms at effectively no cost and will be double occupancy. (Single rooms can be arranged for medical or special considerations.) See Registration Form for details, and we will make arrangements.

Travel Support

PI is expected to cover their own costs. Student(s)/Post-doc(s) see Registration Form.

The travel stipend support available for students and post-docs is finite. We will try to ensure that each grant has one slot available if they choose to apply, and, after that, the priority is to poster presenters. Stipends will be distributed in various quanta depending on travel costs.