ABINIT, GW input variables:

List and description.

This document lists and provides the description of the name (keywords) of the GW input variables to be used in the main input file of the abinis code.
The new user is advised to read first the new user's guide, then the abinis help file, before reading the present file. It will be easier to discover the present file with the help of the lesson 6 of the tutorial Other input variables directly related to the GW computation are : getkss   getscr   optdriver.
Copyright (C) 2002-2004 ABINIT group (XG)
This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, see ~ABINIT/Infos/copyright or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
For the initials of contributors, see ~ABINIT/Infos/contributors .

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Files that describe other input variables:

Content of the file : alphabetical list of variables.

B. bdgw  
E. ecuteps   ecutsigx   ecutwfn  
G. gwcalctyp  
K. kptgw  
N. nbandkss   npwkss   nkptgw   nomegasrd   npweps   npwsigx   npwwfn   nsheps   nshsigx   nshwfn  
O. omegasrdmax  
P. ppmfrq  
S. soenergy  
Z. zcut  

Mnemonics: BanDs for GW calculation
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer bdgw(2,nkptgw)
Default is all 0's

For each k-point with number igwpt in the range (1:nkptgw), bdgw(1,igwpt) is the number of the lowest band for which the GW computation must be done, and bdgw(2,igwpt) is the number of the highest band for which the GW computation must be done.

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Mnemonics: Energy CUT-off for EPSilon (the dielectric matrix)
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: real
Default: 0.0

Only relevant if optdriver=3, that is, GW calculations.

ecuteps determines the cut-off energy of the planewave set used to represent the independent-particle susceptibility $\chi^{(0)}_{KS}$, the dielectric matrix $\epsilon$, and its inverse.
It is not worth to take ecuteps bigger than four times ecutwfn, this latter limit corresponding to the highest Fourier components of a wavefunction convoluted with itself. Usually, even twice the value of ecutwfn might overkill. In any case, a convergence study is worth.

This set of planewaves can also be determined by the other input variables npweps and nsheps, but these are much less convenient to use for general systems, than the selection criterion based on a cut-off energy.

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Mnemonics: Energy CUT-off for MAT ??
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: real
Default: 0.0

Only relevant if optdriver=4, that is, GW calculations. This input variable was named "ecutmat" prior to v4.3 .

ecutsigx determines the cut-off energy of the planewave set used to generate the exchange part of the self-energy operator.

This set of planewaves can also be determined by the other input variables npwsigx and nshsigx, but these are much less convenient to use for general systems, than the selection criterion based on the cut-off energy.

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Mnemonics: Energy CUT-off for WaveFunctions
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: real
Default: 0.0

Only relevant if optdriver=3 or 4, that is, GW calculations.

ecutwfn determines the cut-off energy of the planewave set used to represent the wavefunctions in the formula that generates the independent-particle susceptibility $\chi^{(0)}_{KS}$ (for optdriver=3), or the self-energy (for optdriver=4).
Usually, ecutwfn is smaller than ecut, so that the wavefunctions are filtered, and some components are ignored. As a side effect, the wavefunctions are no more normalized, and also, no more orthogonal. Also, the set of plane waves can be much smaller for optdriver=3, than for optdriver=4, although a convergence study is needed to choose correctly both values.

This set of planewaves can also be determined by the other input variables npwwfn and nshwfn, but these are much less convenient to use for general systems, than the selection criterion based on the cut-off energy.

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Mnemonics: GW CALCulation TYPe
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer
Default: 0

Only relevant if optdriver=3 or 4, that is, GW calculations.

gwcalctyp governs the choice between plasmon-pole approximation or full integration, or ... (to be described), for development purposes.

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Mnemonics: K-PoinTs for GW calculations
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: real kptgw(3,nkptgw)
Default: all 0.0's

For each k-point with number igwpt in the range (1:nkptgw), kptgw(1,igwpt) is the reduced coordinate of the k-point.

At present, not all k-points are possible. Only those corresponding to the k-point grid defined with the same repetition parameters (kptrlatt, or ngkpt) than the GS one, but WITHOUT any shift, are allowed.

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Mnemonics: Number of BaNDs STOred
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0

This input variable (also called "nbndsto" prior to v4.3) is used for the preparation of a GW calculation : it will be used in a GS run (where optdriver=0) to generate a _KSS file. In this run, nbandkss should be non-zero. Then, this GS run should be followed with a run where optdriver=3.

See npwkss for the selection of the number of the planewave components of the eigenstates to be stored.

Very important : for the time being, istwfk must be 1 for all the k-points.

For more details about the format of the abo_KSS file, see the routine outkss.f .

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Mnemonics: Number of planewave COMponents STOred
Variable type: integer parameter
Default is 0

This input variable (was called "ncomsto" prior to v4.3) is used for the preparation of a GW calculation : the GS run (where optdriver=1 and nbandkss/=0) should be followed with a run where optdriver=3. Also, if nbandkss=0, no use of npwkss.

npwkss defines the number of planewave components of the Kohn-Sham states to build the Hamiltonian, in the routine outkss.f, and so, the size of the matrix, the size of eigenvectors, and the number of available states, to be stored in the abo_KSS file. If it is set to 0, then, the planewave basis set defined by the usual Ground State input variable ecut is used to generate the superset of all planewaves used for all k-points. Note that this (large) planewave basis is the same for all k-points.

Very important : for the time being, istwfk must be 1 for all the k-points.

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Mnemonics: Number of GW PoinTs
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer
Default: 0

Only relevant if optdriver=4, that is, GW calculations. This input variable was called "ngwpt" in versions before v4.3 .

nkptgw gives the number of k-points for which the GW calculation must be done. It is used to dimension kptgw

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Mnemonics: Number of OMEGA to evaluate the Sigma Real axis Derivative
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer
Default: 9

Only relevant if optdriver=4, that is, GW calculations.
The number of frequencies omega where sigma is calculation around the KS energy on the real axis. From these values, the derivative of Sigma with respect to omega and calculated at the KS energy is evaluated.

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Mnemonics: Number of PlaneWaves for EPSilon (the dielectric matrix)
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer
Default: 0

Only relevant if optdriver=3, that is, GW calculations.

npweps determines the size of the planewave set used to represent the independent-particle susceptibility $\chi^{(0)}_{KS}$, the dielectric matrix $\epsilon$ and its inverse.
See ecuteps (preferred over npweps) for more information.

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Mnemonics: Number of PlaneWaves for SIGma eXchange
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer
Default: 0

Only relevant if optdriver=4, that is, GW calculations. This input variable was previously called "npwmat".

npwsigx determines the cut-off energy of the planewave set used to generate the exchange part of the self-energy operator.
See ecutsigx (preferred over npwsigx) for more information.

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Mnemonics: Number of PlaneWaves for WaveFunctioNs
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer
Default: 0

Only relevant if optdriver=3 or 4, that is, GW calculations.

npwwfn determines the size of the planewave set used to represent the wavefunctions in the formula that generates the independent-particle susceptibility $\chi^{(0)}_{KS}$.
See ecutwfn (preferred over nshwfn) for more information.

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Mnemonics: Number of SHells for EPSilon (the dielectric matrix)
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer
Default: 0

Only relevant if optdriver=3, that is, GW calculations.

nsheps determines the size of the planewave set used to represent the independent-particle susceptibility $\chi^{(0)}_{KS}$, the dielectric matrix $\epsilon$ and its inverse.
See ecuteps (preferred over nsheps) for more information.

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Mnemonics: Number of SHells for MAT ??
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer
Default: 0

Only relevant if optdriver=4, that is, GW calculations.This input variable was named "nshma" prior to v4.3 .

nshsigx determines the cut-off energy of the planewave set used to generate the exchange part of the self-energy operator.
See ecutsigx (preferred over nshsigx) for more information.

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Mnemonics: Number of SHells for WaveFunctioNs
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: integer
Default: 0

Only relevant if optdriver=3 or 4, that is, GW calculations.

nshwfn determines the number of shells of the planewave set used to represent the wavefunctions in the formula that generates the independent-particle susceptibility $\chi^{(0)}_{KS}$.
See ecutwfn (preferred over nshwfn) for more information.

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Mnemonics: OMEGA to evaluate the Sigma Real axis Derivative : MAXimal value
Characteristic: GW
Variable type: real
Default: 1.0 eV

Only relevant if GW calculations.
The maximum distance from the KS energy where to evaluate Sigma. Sigma is evaluated at [KS_energy - maxomegasrd, KS_energy + maxomegasrd] sampled nomegasrd times.

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Mnemonics: Plasmon Pole Model FReQuency
Characteristic: ENERGY, GW
Variable type: real
Default: 0.0 Ha

(This input variable was named plasfrq prior to v4.3). Only relevant if optdriver=3, that is, GW calculations.

The present GW implementation is based on a plasmon-pole model. In this plasmon-pole model, the screening must be available at zero frequency, as well as at another frequency, imaginary, on the order of the plasmon frequency (the peak in the EELS spectrum). This information is used to derive the behaviour of the dielectric matrix for all the frequencies (complex). ppmfrq defines the imaginary frequency at which the dielectric matrix is evaluated, in addition to the zero frequency. If the plasmon-pole approximation is good, then, the choice of ppmfrq should have no influence on the final result. One should check whether this is the case. In general, the plasmon frequencies of bulk solids are on the order of 0.5 Hartree.

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Mnemonics: Scissor Operator ENERGY
Characteristic: GW, ENERGY
Variable type: real
Default: 0.0

Only relevant if optdriver=3, that is, GW calculations of screening.
The Scissor operator energy to be added to unoccupied levels for the screening calculation. In some cases, it mimics a second iteration self-consistent GW calculation.

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Mnemonics: Z-CUT
Characteristic: GW , ENERGY
Variable type: real
Default: 0.1 eV =3.67493260d-03Ha

Only relevant if optdriver=4, that is, GW calculations. It is meant to avoid some divergencies that might occur due to the numerical treatment of integrable poles along the integration path. If the denominator becomes smaller than zcut, a small imaginary part (depending on zcut) is added, in order to avoid the divergence.
Ideally, one should make a convergence study of zcut decreasing for increasing number of k-points.

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