Recent Developments in Electronic Structure

The Annual Workshop on Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Methods workshop brings together active participants in electronic structure theory from universities, colleges, institutes and laboratories around the world.

The invited presentations and contributed posters describe new methods for computing previously inaccessible properties, breakthroughs in computational efficiency and accuracy, and novel applications of these approaches to the study of molecules, liquids, and solids. This conference represents a valuable opportunity for students, postdocs, and senior researchers alike to explain their ideas and learn from each other.

This workshop was started by David M. Ceperley and Richard M. Martin (Physics, UIUC) in 1989. In all the years, this workshop has been hosted by more than a dozen universities and institutions. Each year, MCC provides seed money for the Electronic Structure Methods workshop. This funding enables wider local student participation and helps organizers gain additional support. The workshop has been funded by both local organizations and by the National Science Foundation, Materials World Network: The Materials Computation Center Outreach Effort Award #1107472.

Workshop Archives of materials and information about Recent Developments in Electronic Structure Methods

To preserve the history of the Workshop on Electronic Structure Methods, MCC has collected and compiled an index of invited speakers and poster presenters. An archive such as this offers a unique view of the trends and people involved in this area of research over the past decades.

Workshop Locations in Recent Years

Updated May 13, 2021